Stunning drawings from Dirk Dzmirsky make you wonder what would have happened if you kept making good graphite drawings.
(source:, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Nimit Malavia

If there's one thing you can quickly identify from Nimit Malavia's work, it's his strengths in line and composition. His illustration and personal work seldom carry similar arrangements, but what do end up becoming patterns in his work, like the ebb and flow of lines, creating harmony and a unique edge are qualities that never get old.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Chuck Close's Fanny Fingerpainting
This latest Chuck Close work is done only using the artist's finger prints, making this portrait of Close's mother-in-law very personal.
So-Low Theatre Festival

Looking for something new? Something simple, something elegant, something exciting, and something funny? The So-Low Theatre Festival is for you! All this weekend, one-person shows rock Art House Productions in Jersey City, NJ.
Thursday, Sept 27
Friday, Sept 28
Saturday, Sept 29
Sunday, Sept 30
All shows $6.00
Art House Productions Theaterspace
1 McWilliams Place, 6th Floor
Jersey City, NJ
Sponsored by
Hamilton Square
Provident Bank
A full weekend of original one-person shows!
You Gotta Have Faith (or We'll Disown You)
Written by Mark Williams
9/27 @7pm, 9/28 @10:30pm
Performed by Richard Kirkwood
A hilarious, honest and provocative account of what it's like to be an atheist in a very Catholic family
Written and Performed by Summer Dawn Hortillosa
9/27 @8pm, 9/29 @10:30pm
A series of monologues from the mouths of people who live inside their heads.
Hurricane Alana
Written and Performed by Alana Jackler
9/28 @7pm, 9/30 @5:45pm
A funny and touching story about a girl's search for love, a home and a good mold specialist.
Musical Theater for Asian Males (Only Edition)
Written and Performed by Jonathan G Galvez
9/28 @8:15pm, 9/29 @4pm
One Asian man looks at the role of his race in theater, media, and society.
Written and Performed by Ismail Azeem
9/28 @9:30pm, 9/30 @ 8pm
A poetic world where Demetrius has a spirit child in his hand, Hipsters attempt the great revolution, and televisions are manufactured to watch people back.
Going to America
Written and Performed by John Watts
9/29 @5:15pm, 9/30 @3pm
A Welsh boy immigrating to the fantasy of a new life experiences the journey we all take from childhood to adolescence.
Written and Performed by Gabby Creery
9/29 @6:30pm, 9/30 @7pm
The riveting true account of a family's turbulent journey down the rabbit hole of unemployment, poverty and the threat of homelessness.
Letters to My Mother (But Really for my Father)
Written and Performed by Kate Kaiser
9/29 @7:45pm, 9/30 @4:15pm
Sometimes, the most important conversation you can have is with someone who is gone.
Click, Spark, Vroom
Written and Performed by Daniel Wilson
9/29 @7:45pm, 9/30 @4:15pm
A 17-year-old explains the first time he ever experienced the thrill of being behind the wheel.
The Shim-Sham Slam: A Dancer's Manifesto
Written and Performed by Ariel Seidman-Wright
9/29 @7:45pm, 9/30 @4:15pm
Blending spoken word with dance, The Shim Sham Slam: a Dancer's Manifesto looks at the highs and lows of dedicating your life to a near impossible dream.
Art House ProductionsHamilton Square
1 McWilliams Place, 6th Floor, Jersey City, NJ
(SE Corner of Hamilton Park near Erie St./8th St.)
Based in Jersey City, NJ, Art House Productions has been creating innovative performance, broadcast, and publishing opportunities for artists since September 2001.
More information can be found by calling 201-915-9911.
This event is made possible by SILVERMAN: Building Neighborhoods
developers of Hamilton Square:
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Art Social at Jersey City Art School
BACK BECAUSE YOU WANTED IT SO BAD:Jersey City Art School & Instigatorzine present ART SOCIAL: A free, creative alternative to your usual Friday night. Tired of the usual hanging out at bars every Friday? Tired of the usual dinner and movie every Friday? Why should Friday be usual? Make your Friday MAGICAL. Hang out with artists at Jersey City Art School! Talk about art, make art, see art, be with art. -Collaborate on a project with a friend or new friend -Participate in the drawing game, Battle Lines, run by Matt Cap, Jesse Amoroso, and Norm Kirby -Work on your own art, and talk to people about your process, what inspires you--share your work with the community -Get to know local artists and watch them do what they do best! -Drawing ability not required, you can come as a spectator! -Music from TBAIZ and JCAS are looking forward to you getting social with art.Jersey City Art School (JCAS) is a for-profit collective in downtown Jersey City, designed with the community's residents in mind and using its wealth of artistic resources. Its focus is on growth of the individual artist—those involved can learn new skills, build a portfolio, or just hone their existing technique in an environment that fosters communication, even friendship, with others who have the same interests and talent. As the school expands, it will continue to look to local artists to participate both as students and instructors, further developing the lively arts scene in Jersey City and beyond.Founded in 2010 by Keith Chiappone and Narciso Espiritu Jr., Instigatorzine is an independent literature and art magazine providing a platform for writers and artists who have none. Based in Jersey City and Bayonne, NJ, Instigatorzine receives submissions from all over the world and publishes them in a bi-monthly schedule. Instigatorzine is also one of few magazines that creates illustrations for submitted literature. Instigatorzine is not about reptiles.Cover by Narciso Espiritu Jr. Art Social |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
LOLA & "The Last Supper" at Corey Helford Gallery
Saturday, September 8, at Corey Helford Gallery is the opening for "Haro" by Lola (Circa) and a performance of Giles Walker's "The Last Supper" (Helms Ave).
It's going to be a big day for art with TWO openings taking place September 8, one in the day, one at night. Shows for Giles Walker's robot art performance, "The Last Supper," begin at noon and last around 30-minutes with the last show concluding at 5:30p. At 7p, the inaugural opening of CHG's new location just two doors down, CHG Circa, for LOLA's new works, "Haro."
If you're around, you're going to want to check out these amazing shows. A quick preview of the work can be seen below.
LOLA & "The Last Supper" at Corey Helford Gallery
Saturday, September 8, at Corey Helford Gallery is the opening for "Haro" by Lola (Circa) and a performance of Giles Walker's "The Last Supper" (Helms Ave).
It's going to be a big day for art with TWO openings taking place September 8, one in the day, one at night. Shows for Giles Walker's robot art performance, "The Last Supper," begin at noon and last around 30-minutes with the last show concluding at 5:30p. At 7p, the inaugural opening of CHG's new location just two doors down, CHG Circa, for LOLA's new works, "Haro."
If you're around, you're going to want to check out these amazing shows. A quick preview of the work can be seen below.