Since we're switching over to Posterous as a platform, here is all the old news we posted on our previous site.
February 18, 2011
This might be a big update. There are a lot of changes occuring with the magazine. First, the February issue will be a split between February and March because its production has been stunted. This means that the March issue will be pushed forward to April. Production has been delayed because we have been negotiating with printers for the best price we can get. The best price we can get means the best price for our readers, so we're really trying to make the best decision! Regardless, the February/March issue will be printed by MagCloud. Since November, we have accidentally been printing bi-monthly. November was a split between November and December, and February will be a split between February and March. However, starting April we will hopefully be printing monthly again! The February issue will have three different covers by Kristen Chiappone, Stephanie Herrera, and Narciso Espiritu Jr. The one you see on the splash page is by Kristen Chiappone
The February/March issue will feature the following:
"Grief, Pearls and Forgiveness" by Lisa Gulvin
"Eulogy of a Tree" and "The Death of I" by Erick Perez
"Distracted" by Emily Schosid
"Chicken Cutlets" by James Thibeux
"Sated" by Chastity Thomas
"Good Morning, Evening Acts I and II" and "Illustrations" by Akinfe Fatou
"18" by Christopher Pugh
Our Featured Author is Peycho Kanev, celebrating his poetry collection, Bone Silence.
The April issue will include:
"I Heart Polka (and I'm Not Talking About the Dots)" by Dennis Finocchiaro
"The Eighth Drop" by Elizabeth Dunphrey
"Gutter Lullaby and Satin Socks" by Chuck Rowland
"Intuition" by Joe A. Melendez
"Overheard and the 7PM Showing of The Watchmen" by Ruben Carbajal
"Short of Breath at the Writer's Desk" by Angel Eduardo
"Acid Attack" by A.J. Huffman
Featuring "The Messenger" by Jessi Young
January 17, 2011
Issues 1-5 are now available for Kindle! Check out the merch page to download them!
January 11, 2011
There will be no January issue. Due to production delays, we are skipping onward to producing February. Any authors that have been accepted into the January issue of Instigatorzine will be in the March issue.
December 14, 2010
Go to the issues section to grab your copy of IZ9, featuring author, Andrew Kolbenschlag, and artist Allan Norico!
December 5, 2010
We just uploaded all of our featured authors, artists, and instigators of the month, including those from the November/December issue! Go to the issue pages to check them out!
October 29, 2010
Instigatorzine will be taking off for the month of December to prepare for 2011! We have some nifty changes coming your way! Check out the blog for very specific details!
The November issue of Instigatorzine is featuring the following work:
"Gaviota" by Andrew Kolbenschlag
"Chocolate Defined" by John Berbrich
"Dark Circles" by Joe Marchia
"Laura's House" by Lisa Sofranko
Three pieces of flash fiction by Billy Frey
"Laugh Riot" by Michael Weems
"To a Stranger at the Tiki Bar" and "Driving Lesson" by Patrick Shea
"We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes" by Tabitha Vedaurri
"7 Settings" by Chris O'Brien
"Beyond Comprehension" by Mitch Holsten
"The Homecoming" by Matthew Reed
"A Little Snow" by J.A. Curcione
...and artwork by Erin Dodge!
Keep a lookout for it!
October 11, 2010
You can now purchase a digital copy of the special October version of Instigatorzine! Check it out for some cool scary stories! Head over to the issues section!
September 29, 2010
The October issue of Instigatorzine will feature:
"Priced to Sell" by Trace Riles
"Indigo" by Angel Eduardo
"Retribution" by Robert Jason Clark
"Live Electronics" by Laurentiu Ion
"To Cavities," "Smoke Through the Window," "Popping Bubbles," and "A Piece of Fruit" by Marissa Forbes
"Night Tremor" by Kevin Nelson
"Drop 18" by Aaron Harrison
It will also feature, along with artwork by our wonderful staff, the following artists:
Kristina Salerno
Zarabeth Wilson
Omar Bakry
Lauren Kolesinkskas
Liz Lomax
...and cover artwork by Diane Cilino.
September 14, 2010
You can now preview and purchase issue 7 of Instigatorzine! Go check it out!
September 7, 2010
It's been a long two months with hardly any updates, but hey, things have been busy! The September isn't out yet, but here are the details:
Cover by: Stephanie Herrera
This issue includes:
"The Last Battle" by Kevin Brown
"Wild Neighborhood" by TJ Hunt
"Critical Invitation" by Carl Palmer
"Dwarfs and Dreams" by William B. Kelly
"And the Black Hat?" and "Anchovies in Heaven?" by Clay Waters
"The Butterfly Net" by Gregory Quinn
"Marbles" and "Midnight Friend" by Christina De Lucia
"Compliant" by Richard Freund
"Talking to the Dreamless Man," "Self Abuse," and "Humans vs. Birds" by Changming Yuan
"Farouche" by Claire T. Feilds
"Wounded Dove, Please Recover" by Garvey Potter
"Autumn Colors," "Then, Sleep," and "Tribute" by Ross Losapio
"The Questioning" by Angel Eduardo
"iCook" by Charlotte Ghost
"Closing Statement" by Peycho Kanev
"The Reverie" by Ricardo Mancebo
We also have another reading coming up featuring writers from the last three issues! We hope to see everyone there.
Date: September 25
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Place: Networking Cafe
418 Broadway
Bayonne, NJ
August 1, 2010
The August edition of Instigatorzine features the following:
"Car and Carriage Collide" by Ruben Carbajal
"Car Bombs and Helmets of the Gods" by Ryan Sprague
"Kinda Beautiful" by Julie Ellinger Hunt
"The Trees Will Go, Too" by Andrew Kolbenschlag
"On Cutting a Tree" by Chazz Jogie
"The Start Menu" by Andrew Gorman
"My Mama and Papa Never Attended," "With a Pencil," and "Summit" by Melida Rodas
"The Sad Hunched Woman with Stubby Pimples on Her Face" by Franca Kirsch
"Time Goes in Starts and Stops" by Lily Sladen
You can also now find Instigatorzine in Jim Hanley's Universe!
Jim Hanley's Universe
4 West 33rd Street
New York, NY
(212) 268-7088
July 12, 2010
The July issue of Instigatorzine is now out! You can purchase a PDF or hard copy in the subscriptions page and the issue history page! Apprehensive? Preview it first and see if you really want it! Also available are the featured artist and author articles. We spoke with Stephanie Herrera, one of the staff illustrators for Instigatorzine she gave us the inside scoop on illustrating. We also had the opportunity to speak to Daniel Shebses about his short story, "Misunderstandings of the Third Kind." Full article and story are available! The second podcast is also available! It features an interview with Julie Ellinger Hunt by Keith Chiappone along with readings of four of her poems. So check it out on the media page! ...
July 7, 2010
You can now purchase your copy of Instigatorzine at Garden State News in Bayonne, NJ!
Garden State News
456 Broadway
Bayonne, NJ 07002
July 4, 2010
Instigatorzine proudly presents its first podcast episode! It features an interview with Angel Eduardo, followed by his short story, "Ends." Check it out! More podcasts to come soon! June 30, 2010
In the fourth issue of Instigatorzine, we misprinted Sandra Bazzarelli's poem, "McDonald's." You can find her poem corrected in the issues section.
June 25, 2010
You can now purchase Instigatorzine at Vector Comics in Bayonne, NJ!
Vector Comics
902 Broadway
Bayonne, NJ 07002
June 21, 2010
July's issue is going to be crazy! We have short stories and poetry from 15 different authors! This issue is going to feature:
"Anasthesia" by Liz Vosk
"AM" by Michael Weems
"Master" by Krystal Sital
"Just Like High School" by Amanda Halkiotis
"In Praise of Honey" by John Biscello
"Tarred and Feathered" by Mark Blickley
"Apples to Oranges" by Daniel O'Connor
"Small Amusements" by Ben Nardolilli
"A Day Spent with Words" by Kate Giusfredi
"Stink Eye" by David Sansevere
"There's a Where" by Nathan Fuller
"Language as Play" by Nicole Contreras
"Old and New" by Jacqueline Nigro
"The Weary Lacrymosa" by Dana Facchine
"Misunderstandings of the Third Kind" by Daniel Shebses
It will also be featuring a cover by Nickelodeon artist, Kristen Chiappone. So look out for it on July 1st! Also make sure you attend the second Instigatorzine reading on July 24 at the Networking Cafe in Bayonne, NJ. Many of the authors listed above will be there to read their work!
June 9, 2010
If you look upward, you'll see a contest icon. Click it! We are holding our first contest! Gran prize is $100, second is $50, third is $25. Get movin'!
June 6, 2010
Instigatorzine will be hosting its second reading at the Networking Cafe at 418 Broadway, Bayonne, NJ 07002 at 6:00-8:00PM on July 24. Readings will be delivered by contributors from our third and fourth issue.
May 10, 2010
The Instigatorzine has been featured on Newark's Examiner! Article by Sean L. Fitts, whose work appeared in the third edition of the Instigatorzine. So check it out! And check out his work! The Instigatorzine is also producing its first series of podcasts! The podcast will feature readings and interviews by the authors who appeared at our first reading at the Symposia Bookstore in Hoboken, NJ. The podcast will be coming out once a week starting on May 30. So be sure to check back! Below is a list of the authors appearing in the podcasts:
-Elizabeth Vosk
-Lisa Sofranko
-Julie Ellinger Hunt
-Angel Eduardo
-Keith Chiappone
-Robert Jason Clark
May 9, 2010
We are pleased to announce that the June issue of the Instigatorzine will feature:
"25 Ghosts" by Angel Eduardo
"26 Stories High" by Dan Cappello
"McDonald's" by Sandra Bazzarelli
"Being Nobody" by Carmin Aguiles
"Fiance" and "Professional Scape" by Brian Nailer
"Everything I Know in Life, I Learned from Duke Nukem" by Sam Slaughter
"Dover 1996" and "Sitting with Mr. Collins" by Patrick Shea
"Wish Fish" by Paul Jacks
April 16, 2010
-Due to scheduling difficulties, we will not be publishing an issue for May 2010.
-We would like to welcome our new member, Elias Jimenez, as senior editor.
April 15, 2010
You can now preview and purchase the April issue of the Instigatorzine! So head over to the history page to check them out! ...
April 12, 2010
Check out the blog for two new posts about "Running Dragons" and 100 word groups!
April 7, 2010
-We are having a logo contest. Please click contests for details. -You can now view a list of authors and artists appearing thus far in our zine in the Contributors page. ...
April 2, 2010
The April issue of Instigatorzine will feature:
"The Diner" by Cristi Long
"Green Parrots in NJ" and "Divorce" by Sean Fitts
"The Angel" by Michelle McGuiness
"A Bottle" by Chazz Jogie
"Modern Romance," "Modern Romance Pt. II," "Now That's Comedy," and "The Most Dangerous Game" by Myles Ma
"Amber" by Laura McKeon and Melida Rodas
and "Missing Lourdes" by Sean O'Kane
March 26, 2010
You can now preview the March issue of Instigatorzine for free on the History page! ...
March 18, 2010
You can now order a single current issue from our Subscription page. ...
March 15, 2010
The second issue is now out. You can purchase a digital copy in the History page. Also, start your hard copy subscription now with this issue! It features: "Dead in the Dining Room" by Keith Chiappone
"White is..." by Jenna Kildosher
"Glass Door (Excerpt)" by Lisa Sofranko
"The Sweater" and "You Sent Me" by Julie Ellinger Hunt
And the conclusion of "Two for One" by Robert Jason Clark.
Also appearing in the March issue of The Instigator is artwork by:
Pablo Naranjo, Madelynne Dela Rama, GJ Lee, Shenella Cutting, Chazz Jogie, and Lizette Louis.
March 10, 2010
We will be hosting our first event on April 18, 2010 at the Symposia in Hoboken at 6:00PM. The Symposia is located at 510 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. There will be readings by:
Angel Eduardo
Lisa Sofranko
and more TBA
Website updates:
March 4, 2010
Website updates:
-Submissions link changed to Contact/Submit
-Twitter and Facebook links added to Contact/Submit
March 2, 2010
Subscriptions are now available. Please visit the Subscriptions page to choose